Nice To
Meet You

At Primrose’s Kitchen we were founded on genuine, heartfelt principles which have stayed true with us on our journey to wellness. Now handcrafted in Hertfordshire, we promise to bundle every pack with thought, care and honesty. With an inspiring variety of flavours, it’s our aim to get everyone enjoying breakfast again – one spoonful at a time. Inspired by Naturopathic principles, every ingredient we mix is lovingly considered to make each bowl super nutritious, tasty and available to all.
In January 2022, Rollagranola – a family run, artisan and premium group acquired Primrose’s Kitchen. With over a decade of experience, we have quickly set about improving, adapting and tweaking an already amazing offering. We wanted to hear from you. Our Primrose family are what makes us special and hearing all about your likes, dislikes, suggestions and thoughts has been amazing. Our first step was to give you more – every pack has grown from a 300g pack to 400g – giving you more goodness without the compromise. Our next stop was adding some ‘special’ – with many of our products now containing beautiful, textured and nutritious tiger nuts – a perfect addition!
As has always been the case with Rollagranola, we believe honesty, integrity and care are integral to every journey we take – and this is no different. We really do hope you enjoy,
From us, to you, with love